Monday, November 29, 2010

Complaint alleges Connecticut company illegally fired employee over Facebook comments

Why Good Clear Guidelines are So Important…………
Complaint alleges Connecticut company illegally fired employee over Facebook comments
A complaint issued by the NLRB’s Hartford regional office on October 27 alleges that an ambulance service illegally terminated an employee who posted negative remarks about her supervisor on her personal Facebook page. The complaint also alleges that the company, American Medical Response of Connecticut, Inc., illegally denied union representation to the employee during an investigatory interview, and maintained and enforced an overly broad blogging and internet posting policy…………….
Duane Wells

Why Diaspora Will Disappoint and the Facebook Killer WONT Look Like Facebook

The 'Facebook killer' won't look like Facebook
By Pete Cashmore, Special to CNN

(CNN) - In the spring of this year, the "Facebook alternative" Diaspora achieved extensive media coverage -- including an article in the New York Times -- and raised tens of thousands of dollars in funding from online donors.

The pitch was an appealing one: In the midst of a privacy backlash at Facebook, Diaspora proposed a more private alternative to the leading social network.


Duane Wells


Monday, November 22, 2010

Gig - Rise of the Six String? I dont think so.

I bought this and its really not that good. You cannot learn how to play guitar on it using the X-Box. You can use it as a real guitar but only if you have an amplifier.  Its pretty lame. 


Duane Wells
