Friday, April 25, 2008

Last Day in Costa Rica

Well this is my last post before I go home. I have to tell you that I cant believe I am admitting it but for the first time in more years than I can remember I am actually feeling emotional about saying goodbye to something or someone.

The Pura Vida as they say (pure life) of Costa Rica has really been good to me. I havent felt this calm and cool in several years. In the last 25 days, I have been to two oceans, seen amazing sights, made new friends, rich and poor, from all over the world, and had an opportunity to learn about really interesting culture.

Jose is coming to get me and I am on my flight back. I am concerned that I am going to feel some "reverse culture shock" after acclimating to this but it will be very interesting to see how Pittsburgh feels when I get there.

What have I learned from this trip? I think most importantly I have learned that the world is worth seeing and that the education that you get from experiencing other cultures and the people that come with that is something everyone should do if they get a chance. It changes you. I humbles you and it helps keep a perspective of your relative contribution to things (if you are open to it).

I want to thank you all for reading the blog and paying attention to these events. I will probably not write in this blog anymore after I return but I will save all of this for my future memories for sure. I will however be blogging regularly at and contributing to that online community so stay tuned!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

3 Days Left, Costa Rica

Now that I am writing on two blog sites, its tough for me to keep this updated, but I thought I would point you to my latest post as it applies to my trip here:

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Costa Rica 5 more days

Last night was cool. I went to a casino and played black jack at a table for the first time, and lost everything I bet but it was a really cool time. I know I told myself I wasnt going to hang out with Lorenzo anymore due to his crazy nature but I decided to tag along to the Casino (It is good to move in pairs around here and I took the opportunity). Him and I actually had a good time. Right before I went out, I found a scorpion right outside my room on the floor!

Side story, while at the casino we were walking by this YOUNG girl (prostitute) and she was sitting by herself eating some food. You could tell she was really hungry and Lorenzo went up to her and harrased her, asking how much for this kind of thing or that kind of thing. I felt bad for her that she was just taking a break from her work and was trying to sit by herself and have a bite and you could tell she didnt want bothered. He kept at her. Finally I went up to him and said "cmon man leave her alone she just wants to eat". She started to talk in english, pretty good english which is unusual for a prostitute here ( based on my LIMITED experiences hehehe). She had a very depressed look on her face as she spoke. "He doesnt bother me." She said. Lorenzo walks over to the bathroom and I am standing there, silently. I look over at her and said: "You dont want to be in this business do you?" She replied: "No I dont but I have a child that needs to eat and I want to finish my university studies". She looked down at her plate. I could tell that she was being sincere. Immediately, two more prostitutes came over and started talking in spanish, also very young girls. She started to share her plate with the other two, who immediately started digging in and eating like they hadnt eaten in days.

I know Ive been accused of being naive at times...and of being a feeling type romantic, and even being a care taker, but I sensed a sort of pity and sorrow for these girls. These werent like poor people back home, and it just seemed like such a waste of life to me. Now remember, I dont buy girls drinks, and I dont give them money. When they proposition me I kindly say No Gracias and when they ask me for drinks I say "No Dinero". But when I saw these girls 2 feet away from me scavenging a buffet plate in the corner not asking me for anything as I stood right there I felt the urge to want to help. I leaned over and said "you want comida?" They looked at each other with great suspicion, asked the girl that knew english what I said, and one girl said "Que, for us?" I said "Si". The girls started to nod their heads very quickly "Si Si Si" they said.

The buffet was right across from wheir they were standing, and I went over and paid the guy for two plates. 6 whole dollars later they were eating. Maybe my pity was a form of self indulgence, I dont know but I did feel good about doing it. (Alot better than about the 40 dollars I lost 30 minutes prior a the Blackjack table) They came over and thanked me, and the original girl said "Why did you do that?" In a very curious way. I really didnt know what to respond with and I said. "Because I respect women". I dont know if thats the real answer, but its what came out of my mouth at the time. She said thank you, and I went to the bathroom. When I came back out, Lorenzo was back harrasing that girl (Dont ask me why) and I came over and said "Its time to go man, the taxi is picking us up." Because we were expecting our cab at 12. He said, "She wants to go home with you dog", I looked at her, smiled, and said : "No Gracias". I dont know why I shared that, but it really exemplifies the way people live and the dynamics that go on in the culture. Many women are prostitutas here and they are so used and abused at such a young age. Some catch buses here from far away every day to make enough money to go home and feed their whole families. Sad.

Nothing more to report today, gonna try and get wrapped up here so I can get out of here on Friday.


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Costa Rica, one week left

Hey all, well this time next week I will be back in Pittsburgh. I am looking forward to it I think. Its starting to feel weird being here this long. I miss everyone, and I am tired of living under a roof thats not mine in a transient sort of way. I mean dont get me wrong, I am really enjoying it but its like I am going beyond vacation.

I remember when Jose came up to Pittsburgh and we made fun of him because he wanted to go to Dennys cause it was familiar (denny's go figure). Well I will tell you what, I never eat McDonalds but I bit in to a McDonalds Quarter Pounder with fries today at McDonalds and I hate to say it but it really made me understand where Jose was coming from.

Worked alot today on the venture here, didnt go out with that group and I think I am going to pass on the weekend of partying. I need to be as productive as I can be with getting things done.

In lieu of going to the big crazy latin bash I am going to attend a special party for the Queen of England's birthday at the British Embassy at 12 noon. I was lucky enough to get invited so I am gonna definitely check it out. I am curious about what the link is here to the British , I know nothing of any colonization or anything... Maybe its just a cool thing to celebrate and we are insulated in the US? Dunno but it should be cool I will try to take pics if it is allowed and appropriate.

O.K. I am off....hope everyone had a good day.


Friday, April 18, 2008

Day 18 Costa Rica

Today was a fun day. A guy came in to stay at the place named Lorenzo . Him and I met up with my friends David and Agusto from Honduras with three of their friends and we had a great time at a Jazz Cafe. Later we went to prive' and I danced and hung with the guys until about 2am. It was a good time.

The next 4 days should be really interesting, I am going to a big club named Oblique tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday it looks like I will have tickets to basically a 48 hour music festival, biggest in latin america so that will be crazy and beyond that who knows. Duran Duran, Incubus, Smashing Pumpkins, Inreque Inglesias. Crazy time.

I think I am ready to come home now. I miss it and I am ready to get back to business I think, I am sure after the next 4 days of craziness it will feel like that even more.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Day 16 Costa Rica

Hey all, today was pretty uneventful....worked all day on the house here and the business ...worked out. Jose and I went to a cool mall and met on business issues in the afternoon. Oh yeah I did meet these guys through a friend from Honduras (david and aghusto) and we hung out tonight at a few places. I am going with them tomorrow to a high class Jazz place. I am pretty excited about that. (Right Val? :)


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Day 15

I am writing early today because I am tired, and I dont know how I feel later.

Today was an interesting day. It was also the day that I was supposed to go home and it started to feel that way at one point. Alot seemed to hit me at once. Cell phone went down, we had a client emergency in Pittsburgh, and things were a little tense around here.

With all the incoming calls and gracious accommodations that I have been given, it was evident to me by the sound of Vicki's voice that I was not only interfering with the flow of her business with mine in her office, but that because I hadnt done a whole lot for her that I wasnt pulling my weight.

I decided that I needed to take a little time and focus on doing some "extra credit" work around the complex. I was tasked with drilling/modifying and installing some shower soap fixtures, and carrying bamboo from a stockpile and measuring, marking and cutting it in preparation for it to be transformed in to a decorative addition for the house.

My Assistant? Our Gay houskeeper named Tony. You can tell he is a nice guy. But he is pretty effeminate and I get annoyed cause he always calls me Honey. Hawney woold joo lyke sawm lonch? With thick thick flamboyant tone and a most employed flirtatios attitude. I hold my ground and it really doesnt bother me except with familiarity breeds contempt right? So I make sure I provide one word answers in a deep voice with a half smile when we converse. Maybe I am making it worse with that...not sure.. LOL.

I also brought back some cookies from the store to brown nose a little to Vicki but and we are all better. So problems are fixed in Pittsburgh, and things are pretty settled now.
I just came back from the Gym, good work out and now I plan to read some of a very very very cool book that Vicki gave me called "A New Earth" by Eckart Tolle. I swear the man is a genius and I enjoy this writing very very much. It seems like its right on time with where I am on the trip and I plan on finishing it before I come back to PG. My favorite wisdom from it so far?

-- "The ego could be defined in this way: A dysfunctional relationship with the present moment.....The decision to make the present moment into your friend is the end of the ego. The ego can never be in alignment with the present moment, which is to say, alignment with life since its very nature compels it to ignore, resist or devalue the now. Time is what the ego lives on. The stronger the ego, the more time it takes over your life. Almost every thought you think is then concerned with past or future, and your sense of self depends on the past for your identity and on the future for its fulfillment. Fear, Anxiety, expectation, regret, guilt, and anger are the dysfunctions of (this) time bound state of consciousnesses."


I thought so much of that that I had to type it all in for you all to see. I think that this is what having time away is good for, stepping out of the norm and examining right? I

Anyway, I will write tomorrow.


Monday, April 14, 2008

Day 14

Hello all, today was a good workday for me and I pretty much hung out at our office and did work. Had a good meeting with a programmer and things are moving forward with that.

With excitement subsiding and digging in to work the culture shock is wearing off somewhat but its still not easy. I think for a little while this evening I had a tingle of what I think might be home sickness. Jose decided to go to subway tonight, and I will tell you what, dont go to subway when there is a long line and you dont know the language. Try to order the number one, and you have to answer if you want it toasted, what kind of bread, and what toppings, and dont forget about whether you want the combo at the end. I havent been trying to push myself to learn the language on my own. I am taking it slow so its getting old not being able to communicate anywhere.

Anyway, gym in the morning and I am off to sleep......


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Day 12 in Costa Rica

Day 12 in Costa Rica. Today was a day of rest and work for the most part. I decided today that it was in the best interest of the things I am trying to do down here for me to extend my stay until the 25th. There has been alot of postponement for the business stuff that I came down here to do, which is good because I was able to go and do things, but bad because I havent been as productive as I like. A meeting that was scheduled for yesterday is not not until tomorrow, and we have a ton of stuff to do.

Interestingly, there is some talk down here that Obama isnt supported because the democrats arent for the CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement). This is a big deal for alot of people because it will change the country in a serious way. Alot of locals are walking around supporting McCain because of it. Amazing stuff.

Well i am off to bed, big work day tomorrow but I will update as usual.


Saturday, April 12, 2008

Day 8,9,10,11

I spent alot of time trying to figure out how to structure this post. The last 4 days in Puerto Viejo have been even more dramatically influencing than the culture shock I experienced here the first 4 days.

I want to say thanks to Ingvild and Carola, two young women from Scandinavia (Norway and Sweden respectively). For most of the time I was in Peurto Viejo the three of us hung out together and had an absolute blast. From feeding the crabs chips, to the the fire spinning show they put on on the beach (yes real live fire spinning), to dodging mammoth potholes on scooters, to discussing the advantages of social democracy at 4am, to the fresh Cuban cigars they brought in with them from their precedingly connected trip to Cuba, its been 4 days of mad crazy intense fun. It was like being at camp again and having to say goodbye was hard. I really appreciate the incredible kindness and new friends.

Puerto Viejo is like going back in time. I saw a monkey, a poison frog, and the blue crabs are everywhere. They burrow in holes all over town, jarring your peripheral vision as you as you walk around. Its a Rastafarian community that is non-commercialized and basic, has dirt streets, and and has taught me alot. Although tourists go there, its not a normal kind of tourist. No rental car stations (you mostly walk where you want to go), no hotels with Consierge's waiting for you (although there are many people that will tell you where anything is including a few that ) and there credit cards are NOT widely accepted. I would concur with others that this is truely paradise but I dont see it as paradise because of the palm trees or the blue/green beaches that line the town. Nor would I call it paradise because of the almost perfect weather or plentiful exotic wild life. I would call it paradise because it is authentic. Its the real deal. This town was built on immigrants from china and the islands, who have lived here for many years. They raise families, and do the best they can to get along, but they do it with peace and togetherness and love. Can you believe it? I walked the streets during a power outage with people all around us in the complete pitch darkness (I hear that this is a common occurrence).

People lit candles, the bands kept playing and the night went on. Later on we ordered to juices to go and because the woman had to return the glass bottles back to the delivery man, she insisted on pouring the juice in reused bottled water bottles. Things here are about function more than form, and while you are here you its easy to forget there is an organized world somewhere. Commercialism is good and its necesessary in many ways but I hope that it never comes to this place. If people get wind of it (and they are starting too) it can really hurt this place badly I think (There is a movement to prevent costa ricans from getting displaced by all the incoming growth).

Anyway in spite of all the poverty, and lack of financial or healthcare resources (there is a local shamen that people prefer to go to in lieu of traveling to the nearest hospital), people are basically kind and happy.

It has its ups and downs, (drug trafficking is big all over the country, mugging happens to tourists occasionally), but there is a flow here that is almost magical. I spoke with people that have traveled all over the world but most say that this little town is charming and unique in its own way and they have never experienced anything like it. I didnt want to leave.

I would recommend it to anyone but be prepared to rough it a little, (shared bathrooms and no AC are the norm), but its cheap, there is live music every night and its real. Being there I had to put my gear in a lower position, had no choice but to do without my creature comforts, AND live out of a backpack for four days. All that and I havent felt this clear, content, and anxiety free for as long as I can remember.

I really do have alot more to say, but I am exhausted from the bus ride back (I was the only one to have their luggage searched by the police at a passport check) and its 3am here. I have uploaded some pictures and video clips to my web site and I hope that you take a look.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Puerto Viejo

this message is messed up because i am typing on a spanish keyboard and cant use the keys very well. please bare with me. ok because i have these meetings coming up with jose this weekend i decided to take off and try and do some sightseeing while i was here. i got on a bus bound for peurto viejo and the carribean side of costa rica. i have offically been on both coasts as i had hoped and as usual its been a crazy experience. droe through the cloud forrest and through some really bad areas. i waited and waited to arrive in a town that was at least a little bit commercialized but the bus stopped i got off and was in the middle of a town built on dirt roads that sits right on the ocean. it was getting dark and i just started looking for some place that would have a place for me to crash with my back pack. its a rastafarian community and life here is different. i went to a few places that were booked that were real shacks and finally met some people from scandanavia that spoke english and had just come from cuba that day. they were in the same spot so we kind of teamed up and finally the room i got is a cabina right near the ocean with a hammock and a small room and bathroom. 15 dollars a day and it even had hot water all day. i had to sleep under a mosquito net and it was really crazy, less than 5 feet from where i was sleeping there were crabs coming out of the ground at night and animals etc making all kinds of noises. Very different.

i am at a PACKED internet cafe right now but i have no phone and very little access to one so i will update when i get back to san jose.

i am taking pictures and will have them uploaded at some point this weekend.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Day 8 In Costa Rica

Hey everyone. Today was pretty uneventful, which was a real change. I actually did some work with Jose. Latino people are so unique, and I really appreciate what the term "rat race" means better now that I can see a culture where that really isnt happening as much. Not having much exposure to an "old" culture where there is alot of continuity with previous generations alot further back in time, I am very amazed at how different it feels to be with people that really are native to a land.

I plan to go to Puerto Viejo (Old Port) and stay in a "Cabina" that is on the beach for 2 days. I am getting a little tired of all the craziness and hopefully this will be a restful mini-trip.

I wont have my laptop with me so I probably will be off the grid. I will write back when I get back here to mi Casa. 

Day 7 Costa Rica

Hey all, another wacky day. I thought I left my cell phone charger at the hotel that i was in and I bought a new cell phone. I later found out that the hotel had my charger and I should be back in business with charger tomorrow.

Nobody gets mail I will be forwarding my mail when possible.

For me, thinknig about how I am going to eat, how I am going to wash clothes, and how life will unfold has been a learning experience.

I will tell you this....i have learned alot about how people live here, and I can tell you that in our capitalistic society (purist based hehe), things are very good and very bad for us. I am serious when I say that I have been impressioned by the "simple' living and the peacful society that existst here.


More later, but I thought I would check in.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Day 5 and 6 In CR

First of all I cant tell you how crazy, and adventurous that the last 36 hours has been.

I am going to try and condense alot of this in to points and only give commentary where necsessary. I am tired and my grammar/spelling might be off a bit but I am determined to push through this and get this post done.

O.K. So I started off yesterday morning at 5am getting to the tour bus at 6:15 outside the hotel. The bus was pretty full and very uncomfortable but we set out for 3 hours on back roads that are badly maintained that go over mountains, speeds of over 30 miles per hour were very rare.

By about 9 we stopped at a traditional roadside restaraunt and was fed a traditional Tico Breakfast with fried plantain, beans and rice MAYONAISE, eggs and fresh fruit with some kind of cheese I have no idea.

We stopped at an Alligator safari (those are alligators behind me, and I got to ride up a river with a guy who actually got out and fed wild alligators chicken pieces. It was amazing.

We kept going and ended up at the beach. One Word. Divine. Greenish blue water and white sandy beaches. I met some cool people including a Christian missionary girl who just finished up a mission in India, a business man from Brazil and a guy from Moscow.

There were no lockers at the Beach so we kind of played buddy system and took pics for each other to make sure passports were safe. I went swimming, awesome time.

Shortly after I decided to go have a Margharita (Mango...oooh)
and then we made the ride home.

O.K. so pics are a pain to upload here so I am going to keep typing and tell you what happened the rest of the time, and I will upload to my site so you can see the rest but this might not be until tomorrow.

Anyway, I ended up in Escazu last night with the Real Estate broker friend I told you about (Jeanie). Had a blast. She showed me the real good areas of San Jose, mostly in Escazu (BMW Dealership even!) and we went to cool places for Tapas, and even went to an authentic Flamenco dancer/guitarist and she convinced them to take me up on stage in front of the place which was pretty incredible. After making a complete ass of myself, we ended up at a club/live music venue where she was meeting some of her other guy friends, who happened to be managers of banks, club owners and entrepreneurs. I took a cab back to my hotel. Awesome time.

Day 6

I woke up and realized that I didnt have a hotel room to go to that night and the apartment wasnt ready so I decided to get online and start looking for a place to stay in this country this evening.

I found an ad on Craigs List that stated that someone was looking for someone to do handy work and help web stuff (interesting combination), In return for free room and board. I dont know what inspired me to do it but I called the ad.

I talked with "Vicki" on the phone who was the owner of The Fountains Guest House/The House of Self Empowerment, which is an INCREDIBLE facility that is smack dab in the middle of Escazu (My now favorite area). I learned she needed someone to teach a class at her facility on blogging, and that she needed some help with her web site for Medical Tourism. She asked me to come over and interview, and that she would send a car for me.

"Henry" showed up on time, and after watching Henry almost kill an old man with his van he took me to this amazing place on a nice chunk of secluded land in the middle of the town of Escazu. I was greeted by Large Iguana's and roosters running across the yard, and went in to talk with her about the possiblities. After hours of haggling about price, hours and tasks, we had worked out a deal for me to stay in private quarters in her facility for the remained of my stay. Its VERY modern, new, nice and secluded. So basically I have a Job now and I am earning my keep temporarily. Vicki is a very nice wellness expert and the place has some serious class. Her website is I put some of those pics below and will upload my own too. Very comfortable, very lush and green and its built for relaxation and personal spirtual/emotional work. It was so Bizarre how it all went down. I am feeling very lucky and *cough* like maybe I should take advantage of the opportunity relax? Pretty interesting.

I am actually really excited.

Whats happening to me in this country?

Pics will be uploaded at some point.

Will write more tomorrow.

Day 5

It is late and I have alot to say today but I am going to have to wait till tomorrow because I am beat tired.


Saw Croccodiles, Mango trees and indigenous wild life.
Had a great time at the beach
Got Sun Burned
Went out to an area called "Escazu" which is amazing and met a club owner and some young entrepreneurs that are doing great things.

More tomorrow.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Day 4 Afternoon

I might have been little quick on the judgment of this area. I just got off the phone of a Local Real Estate broker and she told me that basically my view is skewed and that I am in the middle of the wrong place which is Downtown San Jose.

She explained that people dont speak english alot in the areas I have been and that there is a whole other world to discover where not any woman I see is a hooker and that people dont get robbed every day, which is what its like where I am at. Also, that there are some really upscale and modern places in Escazu which is about 15 minutes away (she lives there). She also told me she doesnt even remember what this area looks like because its been so long since she came in to downtown because of the crime.

I think I am going to check it out tomorrow when I get back from the Tour. I was thinking of going to El Pueblo which is a bar/club complex near here tonight but I think I am going to find a way so source insect repellent for my trip tomorrow in lieu of that cause its going to take me all evening to pull that off.


Day 4 Early

Well 4 days here in Costa Rica.....Bitter Sweet for me today. Things at the company are tough and although Ken is doing a great job of holding down the fort I sense the absence of my presence is affecting things.

For awhile this morning I really didnt even feel like doing anything but working. I got up and decided to book a Day tour to the beach (cheap) and I am going with a small group tomorrow morning at 6am. I worked up the gumption to take a run and go find a Gym. I found a small one nearby for 1000 colognes a day (2 bucks) and lifted. I learned yesterday that Pedestrians do NOT have the right away here, which really explains alot about how you can almost hit someone and nobody care. I watched Jose miss a pregnant woman that jumped out of the way of the car (missed by inches) carrying another baby going about 30 MPH, nobody flinched. After making fun of it for years when i drive, I know now that I have my mothers passenger seat brake pedal in my DNA for sure. On top of that all the sidewalks are like 1/2 the size of ours so that makes for some real bad chemistry on the streets. I was on my P's and Q's for the run.

Good work out, I jogged there and back in the Tropical Rain which was very neat. I dont know if this is true but i read that when you are from other places people come up to you and talk to you (both foreign and domestic) and I havent really experienced any of it. I was told yesterday that the reason I don't is because I dont look American. Thanks for that gift Mom and Dad. If it is the reason I will take being lonely over looking like a gringo! :) . I dont dress nice at all and dont carry maps or a camera with me when I am out which is one reason I dont go out much and I dont have alot of photo's to post.

Tomorrow I will bust out my sexy passport pouch necklace, make like a Transformer and convert myself to a Tourist for the day and see how that feels. 2 hour bus ride to the beach and I am going to be going up a river that has big crocodiles and monkeys etc. Hopefully get some good pics to see.


Costa Rica Day 3 Late

Well I am posting this kind of late.....things were hairy today. Jose and I got in to it about the fact that there was no ground wire attached to the heated shower head that was in the apartment. I dont like the idea of standing in a pool of water and reaching up to a shower head that is connected with Lamp Wire so I decided to extend my hotel stay until we can get that together.

I went back to the Restaraunt that was by the Hotel and I experienced US Hatred for the first time from a guy from holland that took out everything from his convictions about Al Gore as a fanaticist to the USA sticking their nose in everyones business on me. I defended myself well (dont know about the country tho). He was paired with an american guy who sweared that McCain was the answer because he supported nuclear energy. After some heated debating about the loss of american life and the idiocy of my government, I was privy to an instructional from these guys about how to handle Costa Rican Prostitutes. I guess I have finally figured out how the "other half" live. Thanks guys.

One thing is for sure, I am not at home.

I will update more to sleep now.


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Costa Rica Day 3 Morning

I am still learning about this whole Blog thing. I am not sure if I should make one post for the whole trip, or just make seperate posts for each entry. I imagine I should make a seperate post so I am gonna try that. Please hang with me until I figure it out.

Blogging is a cool new experience, its like a Diary with Accountability! :)

O.K. Day 3 - This morning went fast, got a maid to iron my clothes which was different. They dont even let you have an Ironing board and iron, you have to have houskeeping iron your clothes!

I got this cool electronic interperter that does words (I opted out of the expensive one with the annunciation and phrasing) and I am learning to use it to piece together phrases I want to say.

Well I think I might have mentioned that I had this great dish (Gallo Pinto) and a great glass of wine here at a restaurant yesterday. I went back again for the same selection, and this time I had my handy dandy electronic device in tow, determined to find out from this woman what kind of wine it was.

I ordered "Pico De Gallo y devino blanco porfavor" She said it back, and I replied: "Si"
She brought back the food an glass of wine, and this time, determined to finish the mission of finding out what kind of delicious wine was that I had been thinking about all day yesterday....I pieced together: "Que Marca devino Blanco?" and pointed at the glass, she reacted without any type of expression that would cause my ego to retreat: "Si, Devino Blanco es Casiellro Del Diablo" I gestured like i wanted her to write it down, she did. Success! Now the wine tasted even better.

Call me over analytical but Its kind of amazing to me how our world is made up of words, and how those words affect your ability to feel a part of that world. Just seeing small indicators can help make you feel a part of things. Like a truck riding by and seeing "Leche" on the side and knowing its milk...well it gives a sense of security as you can interpret whats happening around you. I mean I dont know much yet but do know that the world opens up as you learn more.

Anyway enough deep talk....I put a pic in this blog but you can see more pics at that I uploaded today.

More later.....

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Costa Rica Trip

Day 2 Entry 2

Well, its about 11:30pm here in Costa Rica. Still cant belive I havent seen or participated in a vehicular death yet. I actually ordered some food for myself today, Gallo Pico (local beans and rice dish very good) Chicken Dumpling soup, and the singularly best glass of wine I have ever had. (I hate white wine but dang this was tasty).

All in all the day ended way better than it started, although unless I find otherwise I would avoid Sushi here in San Jose. Jose swore it was the best in San Jose and the chef swore its delivered fresh but I would argue that fish was frozen twice and soaked in lemon juice. I refused to eat it and they took it off the bill but I did tip the Latino Sushi chef so it all worked out.

Jose took me an area called "San Pedro" tonight and I must say I was comforted to say the least. Real motorcycles, San Pedro is nice, its a more modern suburb and I think I could actually spend some time there enjoyably if I knew a little more spanish.A bit more modernized and to top it off I got to go in to an Office Depot. An Oasis. :) I couldnt belive when I saw it, Although It took 15 minutes to find a Spanish English Dictionary (Plenty of French Spanish Dictionarys to be found, go figure)....but it all worked out with Jose Interperting.


Jose dropped me off and I had my first experience with the Latino female persuasion this evening and it goes a little something like this.

I walked in to a hotel next to mine, called "The Sportsmans Bar", well I guess you can tell by the name it was a popular hangout for americans. Following suit, it was filled with middle aged Caucasian men with wedding band tan lines and multiple latino women in tow with over exposed flesh. I walked up to the only opening at the bar and there was a very conservatively dressed, seemingly out of the fray, fairly attractive 24 year old latino woman sitting at the bar near me.

She smiled and the conversation went:

Her: Hola
Me: Hola

Me: Habla Ingles?
Her: Un poquito

Me: No Habla Espanol

(a woman walks by with her stuff body parts hanging out innapropriately walking over to this middle aged man with a cheesy grin on his face)

Her: You like Prostituta
Me: No Prostituta
Me: No Problemo Senioritas
Her: Si Si Si I can tell! (she grabs my arm points at my dimple and says what it is in spanish)

(she gestures and asks me to buy her a drink because she says she is out of Dinero. I do laughingly falling right in to the compliment like an typical USA idiot)

At some point she shows me a picture of a girl that from what I can tell was supposedly killed in a car accident and she is taking care of one of her this point her story coincidently ended at the same time her drink did.

She asks again for another drink..I pause and look at her like I am not going to do so and she says Pleeeeaase (and some spanish I dont know). I gesture to the bartender to give her another one and ask for my check. I guess she was trying to tell me not to leave or whatever.

$4 total damage for the whole emmy winning performance. (I only had 1.5 cervesas and it was like 6 bucks total)

Well I later found out ( a few minuts ago from Jose) that the girls here get Commission for getting guys to buy drinks. Go figure. I was taken.

Anyway I am off to bed, will probably write at the end of the day tomorrow.


Day 2 Entry 1 (Scroll down for day 1)

I went so sleep last night with Jose telling me he wanted to turn on the fan because he didnt want me to get bit by Mosquitos. Arrgh. (I knew I should have gotten that Malaria shot :) Just kidding. Malaria isnt common here for travelers nor is it common unless you are in a poverty stricken area with standing water. Woke up to a traditional Costa Rican Breakfast, Beans, Rice, Eggs and Premade toast you buy in a store (Dry), and Water. It was actually pretty tasty and Jose's mom prepared it. Jose's house is nice, but I decided to go and stay at a hotel for a couple of days to help get myself acclimated. Things are hairy back in the burgh with the business and I need to get myself situated. I really feel like a child in many ways right now. I feel like I need Jose with me everywhere I go and that is tough for me. I say my spanish words so slowly and sometimes out of a book and its taking some getting used too. Finding the bathroom, ordering food, or booking a room takes confidence and rehearsing in my head. Any help requires extra effort. I am getting a few words down so I am able to be gesurally kind. No Cell Phone for me right now as the infrastructure here is maxed out with lines. My hotel is pretty cool, I have some images I will upload later. I tried to ask the hotel guy where I could go to meet some people I could interact with but he felt compelled to explain to me "No Prositutes are allowed here" LOL I backed off. I have alot to say but I have to get some things done so I will post more later when I get back from the office.

Day 1

Well I have landed in the Costa Rica or "Rich Land" as Christopher Colombus dubbed it. It has been quite an experience. From the moment that the flight attendant handed me a customs form with a Spanish as the primary language I knew I knew I started to feel the humility muscle tingle.

Airport was kind of like an upscale greyhound station and from what I understand its one of the biggest in the country.

When I landed the passengers were being greeted by free liquor being handed out by an scantily clad girl. I looked at it as a sign that this is a VERY different kind of place and my guard needed to be up more than usual. ( I didnt take any) hehehehe.

Going through customs for the first time was pretty easy, and Jose was waiting for me with a big smile on his face at the Edge of the airport. Good to see Jose.

As soon as I got in the car I began to see major cultural differences here. The streets arent marked, the roads arent lined (most of them) and its mostly a free for all. I can tell you that I will never feel unsafe riding my motorcycle again because the things I have seen people do things here that violate every law in the book and some that havent been written yet. Stop signs are optional, and they have Rotundas where people go around in circles. It makes no sense how they drive the way they do...Its almost like order would CAUSE accidents.

It also wasnt long before I realized that the language barrier was gonna cause me issues. I guess in my head I was resigned to the fact that this would be like going to a authentic latino restaraunt or walking around Los Angeles. Not so. I have found mediocre english at best. My slick use of the english language to express myself and get things isnt going to ge me anywhere here. LOL Without those tools I am forced to think and act different and its a real challenge for me.

Well its official. I am Spoiled Rotten with my lifestyle. Americans, err uh People from the United States have it good. (I was sternly corrected by Jose today when I referred to myself as an American in contrast with the culture). The worst places in pittsburgh would be upper class in most places here. There are some gated communities but these are few, far between and reserved for elite that want to live seperate from the culture.
One thing I should make clear before I start is that I am NOT in a tourist area, nor am I experincing this place like a tourist. I wouldnt go as far as "roughing" it but I definately have been hangin with locals and experiencing Costa Rica from an Inner city day to day lifestyle.
Went to HyperMas, which is the Costa Rican Equivalent of WalMart (recently purchased by them) and Purchased Jose's Dad a good bottle of Black Label Johnny Walker Scotch (real cheap here too).