Saturday, April 19, 2008

Costa Rica, one week left

Hey all, well this time next week I will be back in Pittsburgh. I am looking forward to it I think. Its starting to feel weird being here this long. I miss everyone, and I am tired of living under a roof thats not mine in a transient sort of way. I mean dont get me wrong, I am really enjoying it but its like I am going beyond vacation.

I remember when Jose came up to Pittsburgh and we made fun of him because he wanted to go to Dennys cause it was familiar (denny's go figure). Well I will tell you what, I never eat McDonalds but I bit in to a McDonalds Quarter Pounder with fries today at McDonalds and I hate to say it but it really made me understand where Jose was coming from.

Worked alot today on the venture here, didnt go out with that group and I think I am going to pass on the weekend of partying. I need to be as productive as I can be with getting things done.

In lieu of going to the big crazy latin bash I am going to attend a special party for the Queen of England's birthday at the British Embassy at 12 noon. I was lucky enough to get invited so I am gonna definitely check it out. I am curious about what the link is here to the British , I know nothing of any colonization or anything... Maybe its just a cool thing to celebrate and we are insulated in the US? Dunno but it should be cool I will try to take pics if it is allowed and appropriate.

O.K. I am off....hope everyone had a good day.


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