Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Web 3.0: What it means to me and what it means to Google

I recently re-did my personal website @ duanewells.com and tagged it version 3.0 . I normally do an update every 5 years or so and although I loved the first two versions I really needed to move towards something that let me syndicate myself properly across the range of information outlets that represented my digital presence. I see this a major move towards my participation in Web 3.0 and one that a lot of folks will probably end embracing for their own personal brand.

I found this interesting link to some comments that the CEO of Google made about Web 3.0 and I thought I would share them.


Google CEO Eric Schmidt was recently at the Seoul Digital Forum and he was asked to define Web 3.0 by an audience member. After first joking that Web 2.0 is "a marketing term", Schmidt launched into a great definition of Web 3.0. He said that while Web 2.0 was based on Ajax, Web 3.0 will be "applications that are pieced together" - with the characteristics that the apps are relatively small, the data is in the cloud, the apps can run on any device (PC or mobile), the apps are very fast and very customizable, and are distributed virally (social networks, email, etc).

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