Monday, April 14, 2008

Day 14

Hello all, today was a good workday for me and I pretty much hung out at our office and did work. Had a good meeting with a programmer and things are moving forward with that.

With excitement subsiding and digging in to work the culture shock is wearing off somewhat but its still not easy. I think for a little while this evening I had a tingle of what I think might be home sickness. Jose decided to go to subway tonight, and I will tell you what, dont go to subway when there is a long line and you dont know the language. Try to order the number one, and you have to answer if you want it toasted, what kind of bread, and what toppings, and dont forget about whether you want the combo at the end. I havent been trying to push myself to learn the language on my own. I am taking it slow so its getting old not being able to communicate anywhere.

Anyway, gym in the morning and I am off to sleep......


1 comment:

Mom said...

Well, you finally had a little twinge of home sickness. Glad to hear it. Thought you might not want to come back to the "Burgh". I understand.
Your Subway comments are hilarious! I just came from Subway. Wouldn't want to have to order in Espanole.

I miss you. But happy for you too!
