Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Day 15

I am writing early today because I am tired, and I dont know how I feel later.

Today was an interesting day. It was also the day that I was supposed to go home and it started to feel that way at one point. Alot seemed to hit me at once. Cell phone went down, we had a client emergency in Pittsburgh, and things were a little tense around here.

With all the incoming calls and gracious accommodations that I have been given, it was evident to me by the sound of Vicki's voice that I was not only interfering with the flow of her business with mine in her office, but that because I hadnt done a whole lot for her that I wasnt pulling my weight.

I decided that I needed to take a little time and focus on doing some "extra credit" work around the complex. I was tasked with drilling/modifying and installing some shower soap fixtures, and carrying bamboo from a stockpile and measuring, marking and cutting it in preparation for it to be transformed in to a decorative addition for the house.

My Assistant? Our Gay houskeeper named Tony. You can tell he is a nice guy. But he is pretty effeminate and I get annoyed cause he always calls me Honey. Hawney woold joo lyke sawm lonch? With thick thick flamboyant tone and a most employed flirtatios attitude. I hold my ground and it really doesnt bother me except with familiarity breeds contempt right? So I make sure I provide one word answers in a deep voice with a half smile when we converse. Maybe I am making it worse with that...not sure.. LOL.

I also brought back some cookies from the store to brown nose a little to Vicki but and we are all better. So problems are fixed in Pittsburgh, and things are pretty settled now.
I just came back from the Gym, good work out and now I plan to read some of a very very very cool book that Vicki gave me called "A New Earth" by Eckart Tolle. I swear the man is a genius and I enjoy this writing very very much. It seems like its right on time with where I am on the trip and I plan on finishing it before I come back to PG. My favorite wisdom from it so far?

-- "The ego could be defined in this way: A dysfunctional relationship with the present moment.....The decision to make the present moment into your friend is the end of the ego. The ego can never be in alignment with the present moment, which is to say, alignment with life since its very nature compels it to ignore, resist or devalue the now. Time is what the ego lives on. The stronger the ego, the more time it takes over your life. Almost every thought you think is then concerned with past or future, and your sense of self depends on the past for your identity and on the future for its fulfillment. Fear, Anxiety, expectation, regret, guilt, and anger are the dysfunctions of (this) time bound state of consciousnesses."


I thought so much of that that I had to type it all in for you all to see. I think that this is what having time away is good for, stepping out of the norm and examining right? I

Anyway, I will write tomorrow.


1 comment:

Mom said...

Whenever you are ready for something...it appears. Wow. I read that book and yes, I was hoping you would get around to reading it. And the passage you sited is very powerful! I think it is time for me to read it again.

Mom XO