Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Day 7 Costa Rica

Hey all, another wacky day. I thought I left my cell phone charger at the hotel that i was in and I bought a new cell phone. I later found out that the hotel had my charger and I should be back in business with charger tomorrow.

Nobody gets mail here...so I will be forwarding my mail when possible.

For me, thinknig about how I am going to eat, how I am going to wash clothes, and how life will unfold has been a learning experience.

I will tell you this....i have learned alot about how people live here, and I can tell you that in our capitalistic society (purist based hehe), things are very good and very bad for us. I am serious when I say that I have been impressioned by the "simple' living and the peacful society that existst here.


More later, but I thought I would check in.

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